What Do You Need To Do In A Dental Emergency?
ShareFew things are more upsetting than a sudden, sharp pain in your tooth or dental damage caused by an accidental impact. Tooth pain, lost fillings, and broken teeth are all dental emergencies that should be treated by a professional as soon as possible. Knowing how to handle a dental emergency can help you weather the situation with as little discomfort and permanent damage as possible. These are four things that you must do in a dental emergency:
1. Call your dentist for dental emergencies.
911 is the number to call for most emergencies. It's true that modern hospitals are equipped with the tools and personnel necessary to handle most medical emergencies. However, your general dentist is more equipped to deal with dental emergencies. If you experience pain, tooth damage, or another dental injury, you should call your dentist first. However, there are a few exceptions to this rule. If you're experiencing severe facial swelling or symptoms of neurological problems, you should go to the nearest emergency room immediately because these may be signs of a brain infection.
2. Follow your dentist's instructions.
When you call your dentist, you'll be able to schedule an emergency appointment. Your dentist can also give you advice that can keep you safe and comfortable until you can be treated professionally. Your dentist may suggest over-the-counter pain medication to help you manage your discomfort. If you've lost a tooth, they may suggest placing your tooth gently back in its socket if it is safe to do so. Your dentist's advice is sound and based on many years of training, so it's important to follow their instructions exactly.
3. Visit your dentist's office as soon as possible.
Emergency dental appointments can often be scheduled on the same day. Dentists typically try to prioritize emergency patients according to their needs. If you must wait a day or two to see your dentist, you can use pain medication to manage your symptoms in the meantime. However, symptom relief does not mean you can ignore the problem. Cavities and tooth infections will persist until they are properly treated, which is why it's necessary to visit your dentist's office as soon as possible.
4. Return to your dentist for follow-up treatments.
When you visit your dentist for an emergency dental treatment, they may perform a dental filling or dental bonding to treat minor forms of decay and damage. Severe decay and damage may require root canal therapy or a dental crown. Dental crowns are typically applied at a second appointment after they have been custom-made. To ensure the success of your emergency dental treatment, make sure you return to your dentist for all scheduled follow-up appointments.
Contact your dentist for more information about emergency dental treatment.